Facebook’s work on artificial intelligence has now become a subject that everyone knows. Even the work of artificial intelligence caused various reactions. Facebook has started working on this topic.

Facebook has decided to do a joint study with the Technical University of Munich for research on social networking, an independent ethical artificial intelligence. The Ethics Institute of Artificial Intelligence will able to investigate subject such as fairness, confidentiality, security and transparency, which the industry can not alone answer.
Facebook will give a 7.5 million grant for the next five years and share their findings with the university. Dr. Christoph Lütge from the Mtü will head the Institute with the help of the academic community, the business life and advisory board of civilian persons.
The new research center will be free to publish its work. It can cooperate with other institutions and experts from outside.

The idea of setting up this institute emerged with Facebook dealing with ethical issues related to its own artificial intelligence. People accused the artificial intelligence of Facebook to be politically prejudiced. The goal of these accusations is to prioritize your news feed and the targeted advertising practices are coming first. With the establishment of this institute, Facebook’s artificial intelligence is planned to remain fair and prevent unwanted events.
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