Sony PlayStation Classic
If you have complains about good old days and prefer retro stuffs “PlayStation Classic” is a definitely great choice for you. To be honest it is a little bit expensive for its skills and capabilities. You can buy a brand new Sony PlayStation Classic for 99, 99$ on the market. With its extreme expensive price Sony PlayStation Classic doesn’t appeal to many gamers, so you need to have passion with games based on pixels. However it is really good to have some experience again with old PlayStation games after all those years. PlayStation Classic becomes an exclusive console for user who experienced PlayStation consoles from beginning to today and wants to add those games on their library for remembering and experiencing good old days. Finally it gave a lot passion after all those years.

Who should buy Sony PlayStation Classic Console?
In our opinion, PlayStation Classic becomes very perfect option for users who wants to experience some good old nostalgia on their own again right now.
Newest and smallest member of PlayStation family. Here is Sony PlayStation Classic. We have reviewed PlayStation Classic!
The story of PlayStations has begun exactly 24 years ago, after all those years the time has reversed and console gamers find themselves in 1994 again. Firstly introduced in December 1994, PlayStation One comes again as PlayStation Classic this time and of course there are differences between these consoles especially on their design aspects.

Being 45% percent smaller compared to the first model of PlayStation, Sony PlayStation Classic has exactly same design and view with the first model. Let us say this beforehand, that is the only point and there are not huge differences between both of them. Sony PlayStation Classic is an extraordinary piece for museums and appeals for user who are really fond of PlayStations. Even more it is a great game console for users who wants to play the first GTA, Tekken 3, Metal Gear Solid and other games which were popular at past. So what this tiny ancient game console offers to its owners? Which games are coming with it? Let’s look closer to PlayStation Classic right now.
How is the design aspects of Sony PlayStation Classic?
Introduced right after of Nintendo’s SNES Classic version, Sony’s PlayStation Classic move becomes very important for users of PlayStation game consoles. If you already have all versions of PlayStation consoles in your home, it is impossible to not adding PlayStation Classic to your inventory to be honest. Of course it is physically though. On the other hand of course there are more game option within original PlayStation One. We will also talk about that as well, however let’s look closer to PlayStation Classic’s tiny design and shapes.

PlayStation Classic looks similarly to original Sony PlayStation 1. But there are some modern touches on its design at some points of course. First of all, it is 45% percent smaller than compared to original PlayStation One and it nearly fits in your hands. Of course it could be smaller though however this shape of PlayStation Classic decided by Sony in order to avoid from inaccurateness of its physical form itself. In our opinion, this decision becomes very handy and accurate. It would not be good if it was smaller than PlayStation Classic.
Permutation of the PlayStation Classic’s buttons are the same with original PlayStation One. On the left side of the console we face with a power button and above of it we also see a restart button. Opposite to these buttons we face with a button which used for opening the CD case. First of all of course this CD button doesn’t work, it used only for cosmetically form and it has no purpose for console itself. The reason of this simple, as you know there is no place for CD’s in today’s world. By the way, you can’t install any game to your console and there is no need for this action. We will also talk about that issue later.

Furthermore there are two individual gamepads come within the box of PlayStation Classic. Which is also great news with full of joy. With that additional gamepad you can play Tekken 3 with your friends immediately after unboxing the Sony PlayStation Classic. You just need to plug these gamepads to USB ports on your console. These USB ports have been changed from Memory Card slots of original PlayStation One. Of course other ports and slots have been changed as well. Such as, you need to use USB port as a power adapter port. The cable of this USB port comes within box of the console however there is no adapter in it. You can use adapter of your Smart Phone for this action. By the way, it Puses HDMI as video / audio output and there is also a HDMI cable located in the box.
What are the games coming within Sony PlayStation Classic?
There are 20 different games pre-installed and come with it. So what are these games and what will you face when you start your console? These games are; GTA 1, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil Director’s Cut, Tekken 3, Twisted Metal, Battle Arena Toshinden, Cool Boarders 2, Destruction Derby, Final Fantasy VII, Intelligent Qube, Jumping Flash, Mr. Driller, Oddworld: Abe’s Odyssey, Revelations: Persona, Rayman, R4: Ridge Racer Type 4, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Syphon Filter, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six and Wild Arms. Options of game are large however they are not enough for its price for us and many other players.
As a result we also see that some important games are not included in the list. For example, it would be great to see Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider even Silent Hill. Therefore these games could not find a place within the list which most likely saddens many gamers deeply.

By the way, as we said before it is impossible to add any other games to Sony PlayStation Classic. Yes, you are restricted with these games. However there are some rumors about adding different games to the console via USB discs nowadays. But it is unadvisable to add games with this way.

Above all, we really have experienced with great enjoy with Sony PlayStation Classic to be honest. It was especially amazing to experience GTA 1 and Tekken 3 after 20 years. Furthermore, we will take it away to the roof sooner or later, it is inevitable. Because as we all know it is really hard to play all those games again after those years including their unappealing graphics which also makes them hard to play.
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