New accessories for DJI Ronin-S hand held camera stabilizer has been introduced. The accessories developed for movie makers and professional users provide convenience for users.
New focus motor ensures lenses to be focused as motorized and lens control with 02 degree sensitively. Also, command unit is connected to the side. Besides, it enables users to change some settings for instance, engine parameters, remote control and working moods. Furthermore, you don’t need to connect any mobile device for it. Ronin S BG37 Grip promises using experience till 12 hours with 2.400 mAh iner battery. The device can be assembled a moving vehicle. Moreover, extended lens backing helps camera and bigger lens to be immobilised on Ronin-S. This can be used when standard backing is not long enough.
Finally, external GPS module gives developed stabilisation performance during giving better reaction to the acceleration or deceleration and sudden camera moves. All new accessories have already been offered.
Sales Price of DJI Accessories
– Focus Motor: 169 dollars
– Focus Motor Rod Mount: 20 dollars
–Focus Gear Strip: USD 20 dollars
– Command Unit: 129 dollars
– BG37 Battery Grip: 99 dollars
– Top Hotshoe Bracket: 49 dollars
– Extended Lens Support: 20 dollars
– External GPS Module: 69 dollars
– Universal Mount: 179 dollars
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